Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Praise for Healing

Andi Update: A time of rejoicing!

by J. V. on Wednesday, 05 October 2011 at 21:45

P and I wanted write you all and give you an update on Andi’s current status. Yesterday we had an appointment with our neurologist to review the results of an MRI that Andi had received on her brain last week. The MRI was a routine follow-up from the original study Andi had when she was two days old (when the strokes and resulting brain damage were discovered). The goal of this MRI was to get a new baseline picture and see her brain’s current formation/development since the trauma occurred. The expectation was to see a slightly different version of what we saw in the initial images, but without swelling and with the hope some of the less damaged areas being healed.

Waiting in the exam room, our neurologist walked in and said “someone had a great MRI report”. She began to read the radiologist report of the MRI. “Normal MRI of the brain… no acute infacts… no abnormal areas…” and so on. The results of this MRI show that her brain is completely normal! No scar tissue, asymmetries, or any other abnormalities were visible in any of the images! She proceeded to show us the images, comparing the original scan (done in March) to the new one. Comparing the two you wouldn’t even know it was the same baby's head! Basically, there were no signs of any brain trauma or any previous brain damage. Andi’s brain looked entirely healthy and normal. Confused, we asked, "How does that happen??" Her response, "I don't know. Did you pray alot or something?"

From our understanding, there is no medical explanation for this healing. When asked if things like this happened, or are possible/expected, our neurologist replied “this just doesn’t happen” and Andi “somehow dodged a bullet”. Later on that day we reflected back to when this same Doctor broke the news of Andi’s strokes and showed us the images of Andi’s brain our first night at the hospital. Every time she pulled them up, our hearts would sink because those areas affected by the stroke were so… big... and widespread. At that same time, she had informed us that Andi would likely be severely handicapped, due to several regions being significantly insulted. Now, they were gone!

After comparing the two MRIs, she went on to perform a full developmental evaluation and declared that she was beyond where she “should” be for her age! She said she didn't know why the strokes and resulting seizures happened in the first place. She also said she didn’t understand that with this history how it had now been healed? Based on Andi's growth and development and the most recent MRI results, she declared that we now have a NORMAL HEALTHY little girl and no reason now to think otherwise! "You can basically forget the first MRI and seizures ever happened", she said with a smile. This is something both Paula and I hope to never forget. God healed her! It DID happen, and He RESTORED her.

Looking back through the last six and half months, we are so grateful God has led us through this journey and through these challenging times. We had to learn to surrender our hopes, ideas, and desires and fully rely on His plan. Through this, we learned to appreciate EVERY SINGLE DAY we had with our little girl and celebrate EACH LITTLE MILESTONE she attained – believing she may not reach the next one. Now, with the potential of “normal” life facing us, we hope to continue this day-to-day living - never taking anything for granted or looking to “what’s next” – but with thankful hearts rejoicing in the gifts God has given us - for we don’t know what tomorrow holds!

Just as we didn’t know where God was leading us when we first found out about Andi’s strokes, we don’t know where God is leading us with her healed brain. It’s incredibly humbling to think of the hundreds of people who prayed for her that stretched all around the globe and that God heard those prayers, and healed her! What we do know is that God is to be glorified and Andi’s life is a demonstration of God’s grace and healing hand. This is something we can never forget.

With this being said, we wanted to thank ALL OF YOU for your faithful support and prayers. You are all a part of this and our desire is that you will be encouraged and your faith will be strengthened through Andi’s life. We are so excited for you to be a part of Andi’s life and share this story with her! We have been SO BLESSED and are rejoicing in this time.
Blessings to you all!

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