Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Sorrow and Drought - Re-Posted

The drought has lingered on so long,
And, though I’ve prayed for rain,
There seems to be no end in sight
To my grief and its pain.
I keep on praying in the faith
That someday it will end,
For God is faithful to His word.
On that I can depend.

I watch the far horizons for
The first signs of the rain,
Yet every day the distant sky
Is clear and without stain.
But I will not give up the faith,
There’s dampness in the air,
And when God deems the time is right,
There’ll be rain everywhere.
1 Kings18 43-44
“Go and look toward the sea,” he told his servant. And he went up and looked.
“There is nothing there,” he said.
Seven times Elijah said, “Go back.”
The seventh time the servant reported, “A cloud as small as a man’s hand is rising from the sea.”

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Standing in the Storm - Re-Posted

I saw the storm clouds rolling in
Across the distant hill,
And felt the air catch in my throat
As it grew thick and still
So ominous as it approached,
It rumbled in my mind,
And I was frantic, searching for
Some refuge I might find.
But I was caught out in the storm
With no place I could go
When lightening flashed across the sky
And wind began to blow.
I knelt down in the rising wind
And cried out in His name,
“Please turn the storm, for my life’s sake,
Or at least make it tame.”
But in my heart I knew the storm
Would not turn from its path,
And I would have to find the strength
To withstand its full wrath.
So I rose up to face the storm,
Because I knew I could,
And I felt Him right by my side;
That’s when I understood.
He did not need to turn the storm,
His presence was my balm.
For, once I knew that He was there,
I faced the storm with calm.
And now each storm that hammers me
Does not leave me in fear
For I do not face them alone,
My Savior’s always near.

Monday, July 29, 2019

My Still Place - Re-Posted

Oh Lord, I can’t find that still place
That once lived inside me.
You know, the place that I could go
To sit and let things be?
I don’t know where it could have gone,
Though it has gone, clearly.
I wonder if it is because
I’ve gotten so busy?
Or is it all the noisy thoughts
That whirl inside my head
All through the day and even when
I settle in my bed?
I know I’m in the working world,
And that was a good choice.
Both a necessary evil
And a cause to rejoice.
For this is work I’m meant to do,
You gave this gift to me,
And I do it with a glad heart
As it was meant to be.
But sometimes in my busy days
I need some extra grace
And that is when I notice most
That I’ve lost my still place.
So come and sit beside me, Lord,
Please touch my busy mind
And help me see my way back to
The place that I can’t find.
Then linger by me for a while,
 I love it when You’re near.
Those are the moments I still hold
As most precious and dear.