Monday, October 31, 2011

The Path We Choose

Why do we always question him
When his word is so clear?
He doesn’t promise easy roads
Just that he’s always near.
 Why do we run the road alone,
When he’d be at our side
If we’d stop running in circles
And let him be our guide.
Why do we choose the darkest paths
When his way is well lit?
Why do we claim pain as our fate
As if that’s all we’ll get?

The path may not be all downhill
But it still leads to him
And I will focus on the light
Even when my life’s grim.
For though the dark may flood my path
I choose to keep my face
Turned to the love he offers me
And to his patient grace.

Psalm 119: 103-104
103 How sweet are your words to my taste,
   sweeter than honey to my mouth!
104 I gain understanding from your precepts;
   therefore I hate every wrong path.

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