Monday, February 27, 2012

The Prayer of a Simple Heart

Oh Lord, I am a simple heart,
Small, insignificant.
Yet still you hear me when I pray.
This prayer, I ask you grant:

Please watch over the lost ones, Lord,
Who turn away from you;
Help them find their way back home
With truth, their lives imbue.

Lift the ailing and the weak
Protect those trapped in hell,
Whether it’s of their own design
Or Satan’s heartless spell.

Watch over those who guard the rest,
Keep safe the ones who serve.
Please bring them safely home again,
Bless them as they deserve.

And keep an eye on this great land,
Born of the laws you gave.
Let not her leaders fail the land
They’re sworn to serve and save.

Lord, last of all please hold the young
Who cannot hold their own;
And, too, embrace the elderly
Whose strength is long out grown.

Oh Lord, I know you hear my words,
I know that you are there,
And I thank you for listening
To one small voice in prayer.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! You covered them all so eloquently, I know it was God inspired.
