Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Hard Way

The way is long, the grade is steep,
Broken and overgrown.
I try and try to reach the top,
But I can’t; not alone.

The way is difficult to scale,
I long to turn away
As it seems many have before.
They didn’t come this way

For it has clearly not been tread
By any foot in years
And trying to climb that way now
Will bring me pain and tears.

And yet that is the path I seek
The way I choose to go
For that’s the path you chose to walk
Because you loved me so.

So I will follow where you’ve walked
Whatever the travail,
For that is what you’ve asked of me
And with you I’ll prevail.

1 comment:

  1. He doesn't promise a smooth path. When I look back on the paths He lead me down, I know the lessons learned would have been lost had the way not been rocky. I would have thought it possible to do life on my own - instead of trusting and reaching out my hand to Him to help me every step of the way. So, I praise God for the difficult path that leads me ever closer to Him!
