Monday, September 23, 2024

Who Do I Reflect

I need to stop, now and again,
And look at who I see.
Am I living within this world,
Or is this world in me?
We walk within a darkened land,
But we live in His Light,
And we are called to reflect Him,
However fierce the fight.
Sometimes I don’t see Him in me,
And that tears me apart.
For He gave everything to me,
He purified my heart.
Yet when I walk within the world,
I find I lose my way.
That’s when I need to ask myself
Who I reflect, today.
For when I see myself, I hope
To see His Light in me,
However dim the reflection,
It’s Him I want to see.
Proverbs 27:19
As in water face reflects face, so the heart of man reflects the man.

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