Friday, September 6, 2024

Sometimes It's A Sword

Lord, this world seems so far astray,
But You’re still in control
And I will trust Your greater plan
For every living soul.
I know that we are called to peace,
But, also, to the sword,
For we must stand against the dark
With those who love the Lord.
Please help me know, Lord, when to love
And when to stand and fight,
But mostly, Lord, help me to keep
My eyes fixed on Your light.
Don’t let me add to this world’s rage,
That only makes things worse.
Help me, instead, to bring with me
A blessing, not a curse.
This world’s in chaos, once again,
As it has always been,
But lately it seems further washed
In evil hearts and sin.
I want to walk through what’s to come
So as to please You, Lord.
Please, help know when to bring grace,
And when to draw my sword.
Matthew 10:34
“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

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