Monday, September 16, 2024

A Blessed Mess

Each day she comes to stay with me,
A blessing, that is true,
But each night, when she goes back home,
There’s clean up work to do.
The toys are piled up everywhere,
Debris covers the floor,
And there are giant nose prints on
Every window and door.
I laughed each day at all the mess,
Until I thought it through.
I came to realize, just now,
That this might reflect You.
Each day I go to bed and sleep,
Leaving behind the mess
That I created all day long.
Yet, You love me no less.
You love me, You watch over me
With care and tenderness,
And You suffered so much that day
To clean up all my mess.
I cannot help but think that You
Must shake Your head some days
And wonder why You put up with
All of my messy ways.
But You loved me enough to die
That I might live with You.
That’s far beyond comparison
To what she puts me through.
Lord, I do love that messy child,
She’s perfect as can be,
But I love You, Lord, even more
For putting up with me.
1 Peter 4:9-10
Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace:

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