Tuesday, September 10, 2024

A Prayer For Loved Ones

Oh Lord, I lift a prayer to You,
For You know every name
Of those I carry in my heart
And for whom I make claim.
I pray for healing for the sick,
Comfort for those who weep,
And strength to stand against the dark
When fears pile up too deep.
I pray for peace amidst the storm
And faith to see them through,
But most of all, I pray, Oh Lord,
That each draws close to You.
I pray that they turn eyes and hearts
Toward Your Light each day,
And that they walk close by Your side,
Each step along the way.
Oh Lord, I lift each one to You,
You know each need and name.
I thank You for the boundless grace,
The love that’s ours to claim.
Psalm 66:19- 20
but God has surely listened and has heard my prayer. Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!

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