Monday, October 7, 2024

Red Sky At Morning

There is an old sailor’s story
That, when dawn’s sky is red,
There is a big tempest brewing
And trouble lies ahead.
I’ve been seeing that warning sky
Grow deeper every day.
I don’t know when the storm will hit,
But it is on its way.
This world is walking into pain,
As it has done before.
Yet, this time I stand in its path,
Upon this troubled shore.
Oh, Lord, there is no way for me
To hold this storm at bay,
And there’s a chance that all I love
May well be washed away.
While I will stand up in the faith
That You are in control,
I ask that, if the storm takes me,
Lord, You will keep my soul,
And those I love, who love You too,
Will come through strong and whole.
Jeremiah 25: 32
This is what the Lord Almighty says:
“Look! Disaster is spreading from nation to nation; a mighty storm is rising from the ends of the earth.”

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