Wednesday, October 2, 2024

I Know You Know

I didn’t see that coming, Lord,
But I bet that You knew.
In fact, I bet that sweet blessing
Came straight to me from You.
I still don’t fully understand
Why you should love me so.
I guess that’s something else You see
That I may never know.
I’m grateful to You every day,
But, somedays, even more
Because You know what I will need
And You have it in store.
Today, what I needed was space,
I had so much to do.
Yet, other days I need a shove,
To simply push on through.
I used to worry all the time
About what lay in store,
But now I just pick up and go
Where You have gone before.
I’ll count the blessings of silence
And room to clear my head,
Then I’ll be ready for what’s next,
Trusting You’re up ahead!
Psalm 139:2-3
You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.

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