Friday, August 30, 2024

Staying On The Path

We never know when it will come,
The call that brings us home.
We may live 90 years or more
Above the peaceful loam,
Or we may wake up in the dawn
And never see the night
Before we’ve walked into the warmth
Of His enduring light.
We go so far astray in life,
Because we can’t conceive
Of how close death walks by our side,
Despite what we believe.
Yet in that walk through every day
We need to keep in mind
The Words by which we’re called live,
The path we’re meant to find.
He gave to us His clear commands
And laid the path to walk,
But it’s our choice to follow Him
Or simply talk the talk.
With so much to distract each day
From what we’re called to do,
It matters that we keep our eyes
On Him who leads us through.
For if we lose sight of the path
And go too far astray,
We may not have found our way back
When we come to that day.  
Lord, help me keep my eyes on You,
And where You’ve walked, follow.
So, when it’s my turn to come home,
I won’t have far to go.
Matthew 16:24
Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.

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