Thursday, August 29, 2024

In Your Sight

I lay out plans for each new day,
All I intend to do,
But most days I forget to pause
And run those plans by You.  
I suspect it’s less arrogance,
As thoughtlessness, most days.
I tend to get up and head out
Focused on my own ways.
But Your ways are not my ways, Lord.
How quickly I forget,
Until I’m caught in my own plans
And, suddenly, regret!
Regret that I did not ask You
To lead me by Your ways.
Regret that I lost sight of You
While running my own maze.
Regret that I just leapt on out
And gave no thought to You,
Until I needed Your guidance
To help find my way through.
You always get me back on track,
But after much travail.
If I had only asked You first,
I’d have a smoother trail.
I may still walk the hardest roads,
But I’d have what I need
To walk the path with peaceful heart,
If I just let You lead.
Lord, help me grow to understand,
To pause and pray each day,
Before I step out on the path
And get in my own way.
Psalm 19:14
May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

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