Saturday, August 24, 2024

I'm Not Alone

You walked beside me all the way.
Though I did not see You,
You kept a close watch over me
Until I made it through.
The way was rough and hard to pass,
As You said it would be,
But by the end I understood
The gift that was to me.
Each time I stumbled, You reached out,
I felt You by my side,
And You were there to comfort me
Each time I sat and cried.
I talked to You at every step
Because I knew You’d care.
I never doubted one moment
That You would be right there.
I grew so close to You at times
It seemed I heard Your voice
Or felt Your arms holding me close
When life left me no choice.
Lord, if the path was less rocky
And easier to tread,
I might have credited myself,
When it was You who led.
Because I had to call to You
Each step along the way,
I came to know how great the love
That You give me each day.
Today I stand and sing Your praise,
The dark valley behind.
Tomorrow I will start again
With Your grace on my mind!
Psalm 116: 1-2
I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy.
Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.

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