Sunday, July 12, 2020

His Plan

The tide rushes in to the shore
Then turns and falls away.
And it follows the same patterns
Faithfully every day.

Life has a rhythm all its own,
Seasons that come and go.
It seems as if they understand
Something that I don’t know.

The moon and stars follow their course
Across the sky each night,
They follow the sun, on its run,
Each bringing their own light.

It all works together so well,
And, clearly, it’s His Plan.
I just don’t know how I fit in,
Or how I ever can.

Yet, like the tide rushing to shore,
Faithful to His decree,
I may not understand it, but
I’ll trust His Plan for me.

Psalm 104:19
He made the moon to mark the seasons; the sun knows its time for setting.

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