Thursday, October 13, 2016

Crowned with Victory

Sometimes that climb seemed all up hill
With no way to succeed,
And there was no one to help out
In times of greatest need.
It seemed like I could never win,
However hard I fought,
And every time I’d move ahead
My dreams were snagged and caught.
But You told me to carry on,
That I was in Your hand,
And so I kept on climbing, Lord,
Trying to understand
How I should be so put upon
And stymied by travail,
While others seemed, without struggle,
To have a smooth, swift sail.
Now, as You promised, I am here,
My struggles fall behind,
And all those who seemed far ahead
Are nowhere I can find.
For I climbed upward in the faith
That Your word would hold true
And I find that I’ve done much more
Than I thought I could do.
While others dropped back in hard times,
I found You in my heart,
And finished up in victory
Where they dared never start.
So Lord, I thank You for the climb,
The faith that brought me through,
And for the crown of victory
That comes from trusting You.
Psalm 149:4
For the Lord takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with victory.

Thank you to Sally Lebo for this incredible shot of a praying mantis finishing a big climb!! LOVE IT!!

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