Tuesday, October 31, 2017

At Rest in Him - Re-posted

Oh, I will rest in You, my Lord,
When this day ends at last.
May sunset find me, still and safe,
With this day’s worries past.
I know that each new day that comes
Will have its worries, too.
But for this night let me find peace
And let me rest in You. 

Monday, October 30, 2017

At Day's End - Re-posted

God just stopped by to query me;
Child, what have you done today?
Did you offer a kinder word
Than what you wanted to say?
Did you lift up a weary heart
By sharing with it a smile?
Or make another’s burden light
By chatting with them a while?
Did you reach out and pray for help
For one lost along the way?
And did you think to offer thanks
For the grace you live each day?
All of the questions that He asked
Are weighing on me tonight.
Tomorrow I'll make them my guide,
And try to bring Him delight.
Ephesians 4:2
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

An Anniversary with Grace - Re-posted

All the twists and turns of fate
That brought us to this place
Can only have a single name,
And that name must be Grace.
The cruel pain of emptiness
Has healed without a trace.
And that can only happen through
Interventions of Grace.
The lonely soul, cast off like scrap,
Returns new love's embrace
And both, in gratitude, declare
Lord, thank you for this Grace.
And so it is that I found her,
That she now knows my face.
For I am blessed beyond my due
And thus I call her Grace.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Petals and Blessings - Re-posted

Counting my blessings in each day,
Thankful for all I’ve got.
Each petal plucked says He Loves Me.
There are no "loves me not".
However hard a day may be,
With troubles overwrought,
I count the petals, He Loves Me,
And He forgets me not.

Psalm 103:2
Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—

Friday, October 27, 2017

Such Great Love - Re-posted

I’ve loved you longer than I’ve lived,
You’ve loved me longer still,
And, though the world may call to me,
I’ll answer to Your will.
For all the world is meaningless
If You are lost to me,
And it is when I live in You
That I’m who I should be.
So let me walk upon this earth,
But let me live in You
Until the day You call me home,
And my walk here is through.

Psalm 103:11
For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him;

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Entangled, For Now - Re-posted

While I was walking in the trees
I saw a falling leaf
Entangled in a spider web;
An out of place motif.
For it belonged upon the tree
Or nestled on the ground
With all of its bright family, 
There, scattered all around.
It hung in limbo, trapped in time,
Just spinning helplessly,
And somehow, when I saw it there,
I knew that I saw me. 
For I am not who I once was,
Nor yet who I will be,
Instead I’m drifting, spinning, lost,
Longing to be set free.
But I have faith that in due time
That spinning leaf and I
Will break free of what holds us now
And, on God's breath, we'll fly.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Trusting You - Re-posted

A little hope, a little plan,
A dream that might come true,
But if it fails to happen, Lord,
It’s okay, I trust You.

For, though I have my plan in mind,
Your plans are always best.
So I will do all that I can
And trust You for the rest.

Proverbs 16:3
Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Going As Planned - Re-posted

Each day I understand anew
How truly great you are;
Each moment is a miracle,
There’s joy in every scar.
Each pain will pass, each new day dawns
With promise in its hand.
Although I may not see it yet,
It’s all going as planned.
Each day I understand you more;
Your love, Your boundless grace,
The firm hand that moves me along
When stuck too long in place. 
The road I travel has its hills,
It has its valleys, too,
But up or down, easy or tough
I’ve learned you’ll see me through.
I have a long way yet to go,
And much still to endure.
I’m not sure what each day will bring,
But, of your love, I’m sure. 
Proverbs 9:10
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Those Days... - Re-posted

Tonight my mind is simply numb,
I’ve lingered through the day
In memories of times now past
That I can’t drive away.
The mists that greeted me at dawn
Still hovered on the bay
As I watched a cold, feeble sun
Say good night to the day.
Though all my chores are half way done,
I just don’t seem to care,
For I know if they’re not done now,
Tomorrow they’ll be there. 
I know that this feeling will pass,
But in the meantime, please,
Refresh my soul, renew my strength
And help me from my knees. 
Psalm 23:3 
He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Walking On - Re-posted

The path ahead is obscured, Lord,
And yet I must walk on.
I know that when I’ve reached the end
These worries will be gone.
They have no power over me
Unless I give them play,
And yet they linger in my path
To trip me up each day.
I see the light that’s up ahead
And I know I’ll get through,
But, until that day, pushing on
Is all that I can do.
Psalm 25:15
My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only he will release my feet from the snare.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

To Do Your Will - Re-posted

I desire to do Your will,
Yet I so often fail.
Each day I say I’ll do better,
But my will proves too frail.
Your law is written in my heart
And bound there with your name.
So, though I fail You day to day,
Your love’s still mine to claim.
Thus, I will keep trying, my Lord,
To live within Your will,
And hold Your law within my heart,
While it is beating still.
Psalm 40:8
I desire to do your will, my God; your law is within my heart.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Obedience and Blossoms - Re-posted

The flowers do not bloom in fall
They only burst in spring
And autumn winds sing different songs
Than those winter would sing.
The seasons move obedient
To plans that You’ve outlined
And all occurs as it should be,
In patterns You've designed.
But then you come to folk like me,
Stiff necked, I think’s the word,
And, though I know what You expect,
I act like I’ve not heard.
Obedience is not that hard,
And Your yoke is quite light.            .
I’ve come to learn that things go well
When I do what is right,
But still I have this stubborn streak,
I’m obstinate at best.
I want to be obedient,
And still I fail the test.
So turn my heart back to you, Lord,
Teach me what flowers know.
Remind me that when I obey
Blossoms of joy will grow.
1 Kings 8:58
May he turn our hearts to him, to walk in obedience to him and keep the commands, decrees and laws he gave our ancestors.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Running Astray - Re-posted

I promised I would wait for You
To lead me on the way,
But I was anxious to begin
And so I went astray.
I promised I would call Your name
And offer You my praise,
But I was soon distracted by
The chaos of my days. 
I promised to listen to You
And live as You’d asked me,
But I got caught up in the plans
Of all I longed to be.
Then everything seemed to collapse,
I got lost in my pride,
And suddenly I realized 
I wasn’t by Your side.
But just before my spirit failed,
Consumed by all my fear,
I felt Your arms reach out for me,
To hold me safe and near.
For, though I’d run ahead of You,
You never left my side,
And so I've learned to wait for You
To be my loving guide. 
Psalm 27:14
Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Singing for Joy - Re-posted

In that moment when the morning
Is still patterned with first light
And the mists that fell with darkness
Scatter as the skies grow bright,
All the birds rise up in singing
Melodic hymns of delight.
For they know that day is coming,
Turning back fears of the night.
That is when, in grateful praising,
My joyful heart finds voice and sings;
Joining with the birds in chorus,
Rejoicing in all morning brings.
Psalm 90:14
Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Seeing His Face - Re-posted

I woke this morning wracked with dread,
But too afraid to weep.
My days filled with too many cares,
And nights with little sleep.
I needed to see your face, Lord,
Or maybe hear your voice,
But I had no time for a chat
And thus, I had no choice.
I faced the day, I headed out,
My tears began to spill,
“I need you Lord”, my heart cried out,
“I need to see you still.”
Then, through the blurring of my tears,
I thought I saw your face
Within the colors of a leaf
Drifting with gentle grace.
I looked once more and saw you there
In every passing tree.
From deep within their vibrant hues,
You smiled in joy at me.
I saw you once again, Oh Lord,
Within the misty sun,
I smiled at you, you smiled right back
Like we were having fun.
I heard your voice within the rain
That pattered a sweet tune,
I heard it in the swirling trill
Of a melodic loon.
I felt Your presence in the world
Created by your name
And realized I’ll never see
Anything quite the same.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Humble and Grateful - Re-posted

Oh Lord, let me speak only words
That bring glory to You.
Let nothing that I do today
Be what I should not do. 
Keep my feet moving on the path
That You would have me walk
And when I come to those rough spots
Please, Lord, don’t let me balk. 
Let joy and love be what I show,
Whatever I may feel,
And when I think too much of me,
Remind me, Lord, to kneel.
Let me give humbly of myself 
To those who are in need,
And, while I take care of me, too,
Don’t let me turn to greed.
Let me take time to stop and pray,
To reflect on Your grace.
And, Lord, when I feel most afraid
Hold me in Your embrace. 
I pray these things in gratitude
For all You’ve done for me, 
That I might not take for granted
How rich Your grace can be.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Raidrops and Butterflies - Re-posted

I watched the rain run down the pane
And pool upon the sill.
I thought how dreary winter is,
It cannot be God’s will.
The rain poured on unceasingly
And my spirits drooped low
For winter has only begun
With many months to go.
The sun broke through for just a flash,
A dazzle caught my eye
For there, caught in a spider’s web,
Was a bright butterfly.
Small raindrops glittered on a web
Shaped like a butterfly,
And all that I could do was grin
As new rain hit the sky.

For God knew what my heart needed
Without my asking Him.
And all it took was that small joy
To turn bright,what was grim!  

Proverbs 17:22
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

A Miracle of Grace - Re-posted

Though I am tainted with the sin
That afflicts all on earth,
Still I have been loved by the Lord
Since long before my birth.
What greater miracle of grace
Could there possibly be
Than the forgiveness of my sin,
That my soul might be free.
That one defiled and tainted child
Might stand before His throne
And hear Him call me by my name,
Then claim me as His own.

2 Corinthians 3:18
And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Small And Unafraid - Re-posted

Be not afraid, though you are small,
For He is great indeed,
And He will lead you by His grace
When you are most in need.
Quake not in fear, though you are weak,
For His love’s always strong.
That love will fill your life with joy
And lift your heart with song.
The Lord has plans to prosper you
Despite what life has planned.
He formed this world, and this world still
Answers to His command.
Take hope in knowing He holds you
In the palm of His hand.
Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Thursday, October 12, 2017

What Is Mankind - Re-posted

You laid your hand upon the skies,
From night you formed each star;
You ordered them and know their names.
And we're more loved, by far.
You laid your hand upon the skies
And colored dawn with light;
You painted it in splendid shades.
We bring you more delight
You laid your hand upon the skies
Where sparrows blithely sing.
Your eye’s on them, but it is we
Who sets your joy a’wing
Then let the stars dance through the night,
The dawn burst vibrantly.
And let the sparrows fill the sky,
You Son set mankind free!
Psalm 8:3-6
When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor. You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet:

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

His Living Water - Re-posted

Lord, today had me running fast,
Too fast to stop and think.
I had no time to grab a meal,
Or more than a quick drink.
But I did find a moments rest
In my Savior’s embrace
To thank Him for the peace that flows
From His enduring Grace.
However wild the day may be
My spirit’s calm and whole,
When I have drunk from flowing streams
Of Grace that feed my soul.

John 4:13-15
Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Are We Blessing Blind - Re-posted

It’s so hard to count the blessings
If your eyes cannot see
Even the smallest gift from God
For the Grace it can be.

Blessings don’t just come with trumpets,
Though some most surely do.
More often they’re the every day
Small things that come to you.

The day you left early for work
And saw the gold sunrise.
How breathtaking that blessing was,
But did you see those skies?

The rain that fell, but stopped in time
So that your kids could play.
Was that just a coincidence,
Or God’s hand on your day?

The home that keeps the storms at bay,
The food that’s there to eat,
Even the safe drive home each night
When the work day’s complete.

They are all blessings in your life,
Though you might not notice.
It’s hard to say you live unblessed
When you have all of this.

So take the time to see the light.
And not just the dark skies.
You’ll never see how blessed you are
With your “blessing blind” eyes.

Psalm 128:1-2
Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to him.

You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Days and Worries - Re-post

Oh, I will rest in You, my Lord,
When this day ends at last.
May sunset find me, still and safe,
With this day’s worries past.
I know that each new day that comes
Will have its worries, too.
But for this night let me find peace
And let me rest in You.
Matthew 6:34
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Through His Eyes - Re-posted

I’m not the fairest of them all,
With wings battered and torn,
But I was born of God’s sweet love
And by Christ’s blood, reborn.
I may look rough and tumbled some,
With an old, weary face,
But, when God looks at me, He sees
Me,through His loving Grace.
And I am beautiful to Him,
My spirit shines right through
The battered shell of broken dreams
That’s all I seem to you.
I don’t expect that you can see
The “me” God seems to see,
And it’s enough for me to know
That that’s how God sees me.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

A Reminder - Re-posted

I thought of you again today
Just like I often do.
It made me happy when I did,
And a bit lonely, too.
I know it was your time to go,
And that’s as it should be,
But some have said they see your face
When they’re looking at me.
So, though you left this earth behind,
A bit of you stayed, too.
It makes me smile to think that I
Remind someone of you!

Friday, October 6, 2017

To The Brokenhearted - Re-posted

What kind of heart just walks away
And leaves it all behind?
What kind of person just lets go
And becomes hard to find?
What kind of soul can turn away
And not look back with tears?
How hard must that heart have become
To block out all those years?
Perhaps it’s not a hardened heart,
But one that broke that day;
A heart so damaged it must hide,
One too shattered to pray.
Perhaps it drowned, the day it broke,
In tears that have run dry,
For how can love grow green within
The desert of that eye?
Or maybe it took what was left,
The little it could save,
And buried it within itself,
A fearful, living grave.
What kind of heart just walks away
And leaves its love behind?
The kind that crawls away through shards
That used to be its mind.
Psalm 34:18
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Prayer Changes Everything - Re-posted

I raised a prayer that bitterness
Would find a brighter view
I raised a prayer that all would see
That truth has real value
I raised a prayer for peaceful thoughts
When anger touched a heart
I raised a prayer that foolish words
Would stop with wisdom’s start
I raised a prayer that all the pain
Would heal without a scar
I raised a prayer that each lost soul
Would find out who they are.
I raised a prayer that all that’s wrong
Would soon be set to right.
I raised a prayer that those who hate
Learn love’s powerful might
I raised a prayer that you would change
The things that should not be….

And it was then I realized
Praying had just changed me.